Under what circumstances can a report be filed?

Do you question the competence or conduct of an engineer? Do you want to denounce a practice that you consider questionable? If the answer is yes, then you should file a report.

A report contains information communicated to the OIQ concerning facts or events that cause or may cause harm or damage to the public. Reporting is, therefore, the first step in a process whose objective is to protect the public. It is also the best way to let us know of any concerns you may have.

Are you ready to file a report?

File a complaint

Is your concern about the OIQ itself? You can file a complaint against the OIQ for a decision that affects you or because you were not treated fairly by a member of its staff.

File a report

To file a report, you must fill out the form and add as much detail as possible. The best way to file a report is by email. However, if you have questions, click on the link to the form, and you will also have access to other ways to contact us.

The different types of reports

Ethical misconduct

A member of the OIQ:

  • Was hired to perform work and failed to respond to messages from the client or refused to return documents.
  • Certified the conformity of a work without having sufficient knowledge.
  • Carried out a mandate even if they are in a conflict of interest or if their professional independence is in doubt.

See the page on the Office of the Syndic for more information.

Competencies issues

A member of the OIQ:

  • Has prepared plans with errors.
  • Advised on an area of engineering for which they don’t appear to have the expertise.
  • Improperly performed the work.

See the page on professional inspections.

Unlawful practice

A person:

  • Who is not a member of the OIQ claims to be practicing engineering.
  • Who is not a member of the OIQ copied or forged the seal of a professional engineer and affixed it to a plan.
  • Uses a plan that is not signed and sealed by a professional engineer.

See the page on the Reporting illegal practice of engineering.

Usurpation or illegal use of the title “engineer”

A person:

  • Uses the title “engineer” on social networks without being a member of the OIQ.
  • Signs an email using the abbreviation “ing.” or “Eng.” without being a member of the OIQ.
  • Suggests or leads one to believe, through their communications, , that they are authorized to practice engineering.

See the page on Reporting illegal practice of engineering.


What email address should I use to send my report?
Can I file a report anonymously? Will the confidentiality of my report be guaranteed?
Can I get financial compensation as a result of my report?
What conditions are necessary for an engineer to be inspected due to a report?
What follow-up can I expect if I report an engineer to the OIQ?
Is the OIQ member informed of the reasons for a professional inspection?
I want to know if an engineer is or was subject to a professional inspection. Can I get this information?

Have you been reported?

Are you an engineer who has been reported? View our page titled “Facing an inquiry” to learn more about how you can prepare for them.

Conciliation of fees

If you received an invoice for which you feel the amount is not justified and you cannot reach an agreement with the engineer, you can ask the OIQ’s Conciliation Service for assistance.

Use conciliation services