The Disciplinary Council is an autonomous and independent administrative tribunal of the OIQ whose mission is to protect the public. Find out about its role, how it works, and your recourse as a member of the public wishing to file a complaint.
The Disciplinary Council receives complaints against members of the OIQ or a person who was a member at the time of the infraction. These complaints may concern all ethical aspects of the practice for offences related to the Code des professions, the Engineers Act or the regulations adopted under these two acts, such as the Code of ethics of engineers.
At the hearing, the Disciplinary Council sits with 3 members.
Disciplinary complaints follow a rigorous process governed by the Professional Code and the Rules of evidence and practice applicable to complaints submitted to the disciplinary councils of professional orders. It also respects the rights of the engineer.
Complaints may be filed by:
Do you want to file a complaint? Consult our guide (in French) Comment porter une plainte devant le Conseil de discipline de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. The private complaint must be supported by a solemn declaration and mailed to the following address:
Secretariat of the Disciplinary Board, OIQ
1801, McGill College street, 6th floor
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2N4
All hearings are open to the public unless otherwise specified. The location, date, time, names of parties, and subject matter of the complaint are listed on the hearing roll (in French) and are available at the Secretariat of the Disciplinary Board and on the OIQ’s website.
The hearing generally begins with any preliminary applications that the Council must decide. Following this, the complainant presents their evidence, at which time witnesses may testify. Once the complainant’s presentation of the evidence is concluded, the engineer or their counsel offers the defence.
The hearing takes place in a dedicated conference room at the OIQ’s offices. It is equipped with the latest audiovisual technology to facilitate the holding of hearings in virtual mode.. The Council may request an in-person hearing, but most cases are now being held virtually. All documents are presented and stored in digital format for greater efficiency and to eliminate paper usage. You can contact the OIQ to obtain an electronic binder at [email protected].
The penalty varies depending on the nature and severity of the infraction. Penalties include:
The sanction is not intended to punish an individual. Its main objective is always to ensure the protection of the public. The essence of the sanction is to deter recidivism and set an example for other professionals. This is why a private complaint is not the appropriate procedure to claim damages. The civil courts handle this type of claim.
Following a final decision of the Disciplinary Council, the engineer and the complainant may appeal to the Tribunal des professions.
Yes. Members of the public and media representatives who wish to attend a hearing must make a request by email 48 hours before the scheduled hearing : [email protected].
Please note that taking pictures or recording videos during the hearing is forbidden, either in the dedicated conference room or in virtual mode.
You can view the schedule and information about upcoming hearings on the OIQ’s hearing roll. You may also request a copy of a recording of a hearing. To do so, complete the request form (in French) for a copy.
All decisions and evidence filed in a proceeding are public and can be viewed (except in the case of a court order). Since June 1, 2001, the decisions of the Disciplinary Board are available free of charge on the SOQUIJ website. For decisions rendered prior to June 1 2001, please contact us and note that fees may apply.
The OIQ has created a guide that explains how the process works before the Disciplinary Council and how to make a private complaint. Do not hesitate to consult the Guide or contact us if you have any questions.
Unlike a private complaint filed with the Disciplinary Council, a report may be investigated by the Office of the Syndic. . Following this investigation, the Office of the Syndic may, for example, decide to file a complaint with the Disciplinary Council. If you choose to file a complaint directly with the Disciplinary Council without going through the Office of the Syndic, you will have to provide evidence in support of the disciplinary complaint.